Root Canal Therapy
If you have an untreated cavity, the decay and bacteria can eat away at your teeth, creating a severe problem. A root canal will be recommended to you if your cavity has infected the pulp of your tooth. At Morgan Dental, we are proud to have the expertise to offer you root canal therapy in Morgan, Utah. If you are dealing with a severe cavity or similar issue, you may need a root canal. Please come into our office!
What is Root Canal Therapy?
While we do everything we can to help you maintain good oral health, there are times when cavities still occur.
Plaque and bacteria can build up in the pits and fissures of your teeth. This bacteria will create an acid that burns small holes in your teeth; if they are not taken care of immediately, the decay can burn down to the pulp of your teeth.
The pulp is the inside of your tooth that is filled with different blood vessels and nerves. Root canal therapy involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the inside of the tooth and replacing it with a filling material. It is important to note that this procedure has become more comfortable and efficient with advancements in technology and techniques. The team at Morgan
Dental will work with you to ensure the treatment is as pain-free as possible while also providing the health and longevity of your tooth.

How Do I Know if I Need a Root Canal?
If you’re experiencing dental pain, you may be wondering if you need a root canal. At Morgan Dental, our experienced dentists can determine if a root canal is necessary through an examination and X-rays. You may need a root canal if you have a deep cavity, crack, or injury that has caused damage to the nerve inside the tooth.
Symptoms of a damaged nerve may include:
- Severe pain.
- Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.
- Swelling around the affected area.
- Tooth discoloration.
- Swelling, darkened, or bumpy gums.
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, scheduling an appointment with us as soon as possible is essential. We can provide you with the proper diagnosis and treatment plan to bring you relief from dental pain.
What is The Root Canal Therapy Procedure?
We can administer local anesthesia when receiving a root canal to maximize your comfort. Dr. Lance Crowther will begin the procedure by opening the top of the tooth with a specialized dental drill. Once exposed, we will drain the tooth pulp of all the infected tissue. The inside of the tooth will then be cleaned, dried, and filled. Filling a root canal is similar to filling a cavity. We can use a composite resin to cap off the tooth and restore it to its original function.
Recovery Time
After your root canal, you can expect some swelling and sensitivity in your mouth. Dr. Crowther can prescribe medication to help with any lasting pain you may feel. We recommend eating only soft foods for the first couple of days to allow your mouth to heal. You can brush your teeth as usual, just with less pressure around the affected area.
Root Canal Therapy in Morgan, Utah
Morgan Dental is the place for you if you need a root canal. If you have questions about root canals or are experiencing any of the symptoms above, please come into our office!
We offer various quality dental services in Morgan, Utah, to ensure your oral hygiene and health are well cared for. Our team will help you maintain healthy teeth and gums and recommend treatment options tailored to your needs. Trust us to provide the best dental care that meets your unique needs. Contact us today to get started!